
Second meeting

This week-end has been very busy for all of us, as we have other classes going on. The final paper took us quite some times. Then, Sista April, 1st of May doing nothing... It has been hard to focus on the project. Anyway, we are all back on track.

I met Annika two days ago and she told me she met the person in charge of the place we want to organize the festival. Apparently, there is only three dates available in October. That seems very close, too close! And it seems also very expensive.
Marie is going to submit us the first draft of the questionnaire we are going to introduce to Lund population. A meeting is organized for tomorrow 12, we'll discuss all those things together, and try to refine the questionnaire maybe. But by next week, I hope we'll be tracking everyon in the streets.

So here we are, lack of time, lack of money it seems... Challenges are straight in front of us. And that's what is going to motivate us!

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