
Day + 1, time to recover

Hello everyone!

it is difficult to say all the things we fell yesterday from 7 in the morning until 1 at night, so many feelings in one day, enough to sleep 24h afterwards...and it is actually what i did!

We just want to tell you all a big thank you for coming to the Festival yesterday, day & night, for your support, your help, your smiles, your words, it was fantastic, and we couldn't have made it without you!!
A big thank you also to all the speakers, shops and artists present this day, it was such a pleasure to welcome you!
It is also a pleasure and pride for us to see the feedbacks we got from the media who talked about the programme and came and interview us and visitors, and here are some articles you can find online:
The Festival as an event is over, but there are still a lot to do to close the project, as least until next year!
Pictures to come soon, as much as more information about what's going to happen now of our Making Change Happen Festival!!

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