
What would you think...

...about joining a Make Change Happen Festival in the next months?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Marie-Hélène, i'm 23 years old, and as you might have guessed with my name, i'm French (from Paris). I've a Bachelor degree in Political Science, and i'm now enjoying my specialization master in environmental science and sustainable studies.

As Laurent wrote before, organizing a festival to promote sustainable development and solidarity to the people in Lund is an exciting thing to me.

I'm now in charge of preparing a questionnaire that we will spread around and use to ask questions to people in the streets of Lund. Its purpose is to answer as much as possible everyone's demand, and to help us focusing on the most interesting parts. There are so many issues we'll have to deal with, that a little help from people we don't know is more than welcome. We made a list of questions together during the last meeting concerning different topics: idea of the festival, what kind of activities are expected, shall it be free or not, are english and swedish good as official languages, and so on an so forth...
We were short in free time the last days, but it's time to go back to work and prepare something good.

As soon as the questions are definitively defined, i'll publish the questionnaire: you're more than welcome to answer the questions, it will be helping us a lot. Please use the comments to answer. It is of course anonymous, your information will only be used for our present purpose.
(btw, this is a serious work, try to answer as seriously as possible!)

Enjoy the sunny days!

Love, Marie Helene

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