So we all sat down wednesday 25th of April 2007, in a classroom, the seven of us, and she explained the concept of her idea.
Maybe before to go any further, I should explain more about the objective of this all thing.
In the master programme we are following now, the last class we are required to take before the terrible thesis is called "Make change happen". Students should conduce projects where they could apply what they have learnt during one year and a half, and of course should be linked to the broad topic of sustainability.
And so, this wednesday afternoon, Annika introduced her idea. It seems that it all started with her will to create a kind of solidarity day for the tsunami catastrophy. But the poor Annika was a bit alone to do everything alone, so she thought that maybe with the help of others, it would be interesting to really make it happen.
Her original idea was to organize an artistic festival where bands and poets could come, but also theatral representations or a painting exposition could happen. Everyone was very enthusiastic about this idea. Actually, the very first thing that we made for this project is on the next picture:
Basically, what we need to do:
- create an instituionnal framework, inviting other organisations dealing with sustainability to work with us; it will give much more power and a better decision-making force
- find sponsorings through the local business in Lund
- contact bands and artists who would be willing to make representations for the festival
- get in touch with some local school and try to work with them on an artistic exposition
- convince the public to participate to our event.
The discussion was very open and we first tried to decide on what this festival would be. Solidarity seemed to be a bit out of what we were trying to do. I mean, everybody knows about solidarity. So, we started to discuss about environmental issues. But here again, what about social issues?
We finally realized that all those things should be included together, that the existing walls between every parts of this project should be broken, and also that we should show to people that changes are possible in our society, that they are able themselves to make change happen...
It was logically that "MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN" started...
PS: Of course, this is a genral overview of the project. Don't worry, more detailed of what we will do exactly will come very soon. We are already working on finding a place, create a questionnaire to know exactly about expectations of people etc... So check this blog out often to be updated of real things we are doing.
we r gonna do a fantastic job!
Sounds interesting, it would be nice to see how you gonna pull this off.
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