
Synthesis of the Making Change Happen questionnaire distributed in May 2007

Sorry for the late post about the questionnaire, summer time is now over and we're back on tracks to prepare the Festival. Here are the conclusions of the survey, we used them to prepare the schedule and activities in order to make them corresponding as much as possible with your expectations! Thank you very much for your help and your patience!

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As we explained you earlier on this blog, we prepared and distributed an anonymous survey in order to know more about people’s expectation and therefore to organize an event that would fit as much as possible with these expectations. Last May, the written questionnaires have been answered by 30 people, and we also interviewed people randomly to collect their opinion. If many of the answerers are students or scholars in Lund University, we also tried to reach other categories of the population (family members, inhabitants in Malmö, guests and lecturers of the LUCSUS seminars…) in order to make our test relevant and reliable and therefore to make people as much interested as possible with the proposed activities. We were expecting more complete questionnaires to come back in order to analyse them, but it often happened that the answers were unclear or incomplete, and many were not given back at all.
The majority of the people we interviewed were between 20 and 40 years-old, and we found a good numerical balance between women and men. When we defined the type of activities of the festival at the beginning of the questionnaire, it seemed that half of the answerers never went to any event like this and were interested in it. In total, 90% said they would be glad to come, especially with their family (40%) and friends (40%).
When we asked them when they would like the festival to happen, 80% answered that the weekend would be the best, and that it should include nightly activities as much as daily ones. We also proposed different possible duration of the event and half was in favour of 1 day, the other half in favour of 2 days. 60% were also in favour of an outdoor event.

→ Our decision to organize a Making Change Happen Festival on November 2nd in Stadshallen has been the result of many discussions concerning the answers of the survey and the options we were offered about the place and the time of the year. Friday November 2nd is the day that precedes Alla Helgons Dag (Saturday 3rd) which is often considered as a family time for celebrations and which takes place during the school holidays. We thought that such a day could be good to start the weekend and that it could therefore be the best in order to include as many people, from different ages, to the event.

Concerning the list of activities we proposed, major trends could be observed: people seemed mainly really interested in artistic, cultural/scientific and children-related activities. According to the comments we got, they were also eager to access information panels and workshops concerning fair-trade and ecological products, sustainable everyday-life practices …

→ The Making Change Happen Festival therefore seems to answer the expectations, since we propose a diverse choice of activities for young and older people, including access to scientific knowledge, entertaining activities and workshops, fair-trade and ecological food and products market…Some students of the LUMES programme are also willing to share and present their knowledge through exhibitions, presentations, discussions…

The issue concerning the entrance fees was one of the most important to ask in order to prepare our budget and activities. Although our expectations about the answers were not high, it occurred that around 65% are willing to pay between 10 and 30 Sek to enter the making Change Happen Festival! Some also advised us to organize different entrance-fees systems and separate the daily and nightly activities.

→ The possibility that seems the best for our purposes and the organization of our budget is to let the entrance free of charge/open fees (people can decide to pay what they want at the entrance of the place) during the daily time, and sell tickets for the concerts at night. If the price of these tickets still have to be discussed, we thought of making different offers such as children-students-family reductions. These tickets could be bought in advance or at night.

At last, 95% of the answerers are not disturbed by the fact that the organization of the festival is mainly made in English.

→ Our purpose is to welcome both English and Swedish-speaking people from different ages, origins and backgrounds. The goal of this event is to be opened to everyone and to present possible ways for people to understand and change their ways of thinking and habits in order to reach a more sustainable world and solidarity and peace between generations.