
Showing progress towards our ambition

Hej Alla! Today is July 1st and we have totally 4 months left to our Making Change Happen Festival. As you all know we are on our summer break and all in different cities. However, our preparations still goes insofar as one is able. We have, from cultural exhibition contacts, heard or not even get a one reply. We have contacted Eko-Mode, where we thought would be wise and interesting to have an Ecologic Catwalk, but we haven't heard from them yet. Another ecological design demonstrator is a shop in Malmö, called Uma Bazaar. Unfortunately, they had to close their shop on östra förstadsgatan, but hopefully we are expecting to hear from Sara Rossling, the owner, pretty soon as she mentioned she is interested in the project. Latest news came from Do Redo, which is a about recycling-make new things out of old worn wool clothes and so(see the picture on the left, Do Redo Tokyo Workshop).
They regrettably, send an e-mail saying "
Unfortunatley we are already booked to give a Do Redo workshop in Århus, Denmark on the 3rd of November (our day of travelling will be on the 2nd), so we have to turn your request down."
Anyhow, we will go with other alternatives and keep you updated of the participators to our festival, during the summer.
Thank you!


Summer time

Our second term in Lumes is over, and we all left for some well-deserved holidays.
Time will go fast for sure, and the biggest part of the work will have to be done in August, when we come back to Lund. But working for the festival doesn't need any break, and we all keep on thinking about the different projects and their organization. We already have many contacts with representatives of Lunds Kommun and many schools and artists, and all the comments we got are really positive! What we wrote on the portfolio slowly but surely turns into something real and we are really excited about!

As explained in a previous post, the portfolio is available via the Google Group related to our project. Please contact us via the "comments" part below if you want us to send it to you via mail.
Annika is still in Sweden, she can be reached directly by phone, and you're of course welcome to send any mail to any of us if you have questions to ask or any comment to give!